Since 2010

  • Management Consultant; Interim Manager; Project Manager
  • ‘Safe pair of hand’s for companies
  • Consultant; Public Relations for the German Bundestag
  • Trainer
  • Coaching on culturally sensitive aspects in dealing with international clients and working in an international company environment

2004 – 2010

  • Manager Global Expansion; NAVTEQ
  • Acquisition/licensing of spatial/geodata from governmental, military and private providers worldwide
  • Presentations to authorities, government agencies and potential business partners
  • Risk analysis and planning of international projects with international teams

1998 – 2004

  • Country Manager; Navigation Technologies NavTech
  • German Operations; presentations to press, media and customers
  • Development of nine subsidiaries with 130 employees

1984 – 1998

  • Area Manager; European Geographic Technologies
  • Development of field operations in Essen and Frankfurt;
  • Licensing of geo data from state authorities

1983 – 1998

  • Interpreter and translator for companies, government agencies and organizations (amnesty international, IOC, etc.)
  • Authorized translator at the District of the Higher Regional Court in Hamm
  • English Trainer
  • Organizational support for foreign companies in Germany

1979 – 1983

  • Studies of English and French, University of Leipzig
  • Graduate interpreter and translator